STATE OF REGIONAL COOPERATION IN THE CONTEXT OF CURRENT WB INITIATIVES – Index of Regional Cooperation and Open Balkans – Belgrade, May 30, 2022 The topic of the 30th jubilee session of the Igman Initiative, which was held on May…
RAZGOVOR: Predsjednik Savjeta Igmanske inicijative za Srbiju i direktor Centra za regionalizam iz Novog Sada Aleksandar Popov Očekivao sam mnogo više od Bajdenove administracije – da će stvoriti čvrsto partnerstvo sa EU za Zapadni Balkan. Nažalost, nemaju strategiju za ovaj…
Dear organizers of the 29th Igman Initiative Session, dear colleagues, dear participants, thank you for inviting me to take part in one of the important projects bringing together countries of Western Balkans and promoting peace and cooperation. Your work is…
THE DAYTON FOUR AT THE CROSSROAD Presentation of the Regional Cooperation Index for 2021 The 29th session of the Igman Initiative on the topic “The Dayton Four at the Crossroad” was held on Friday, December 10 at the Hills Hotel…
Index of Regional Cooperation The Igman Initiative, with the support of the European Fund for the Balkans, has been implementing the expert project “Index of Regional Cooperation of the Countries of the Dayton Agreement” since March this year. This report…
Saopštenja za javnost Igmanska inicijativa oštro osuđuje svaki vid poricanja i nepriznavanja zločina genocida učinjenih na teritoriji bivših jugoslovenskih republika od strane ministra pravde u Vladi Crne Gore Vladimira Leposavića. Podsećamo crnogorsku Vladu da je Parlament Crne Gore još u…
The three-year project of the Igman Initiative called CARE, whose implementation was supported by the European Commission, was officially completed on December 22, 2020. The project consisted of four countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia) that are covered…
In addition to the tragic consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic, some cities in Croatia have been hit by a series of earthquakes this year. The worst, which happened on December 29 in Petrinja, Glina and Sisak, caused human casualties…
Igman Initiative Conference on the occasion of a quarter of a century since the signing of the Dayton Agreement On December 14, 2020, the day the Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina was signed in Paris a quarter…
On September 30, 2020, the twentieth anniversary of the Igman Initiative was solemnly marked in Podgorica with a series of activities. On the occasion of this jubilee, Branislav Radulovic, co-president of the Igman Initiative for Montenegro and Aleksandar Popov, president…