Presentations of the TV series THEY SPOKE DIFFERENTLY

Presentations of the TV series THEY SPOKE DIFFERENTLY took place in Nis- on April 6th, in Bijeljina – on April 26th  and Tuzla-on May 6th  2006. Presentation of the TV series also took place in Novi Sad and Brac Island.  At the beginning of each of those presentations, a TV series was shown (as a whole or some of the episodes interesting for the area concerned),  followed afterwards by accounts of some of its protagonists who were involved in cooperation between NGOs from the countries signatories to the Dayton Agreement, about the times of raging nationalism and wars.

The show itself and accounts that followed were extremely well received by the audience that reacted very emotionally. As an illustration, having seen the episode WARTIME SARAJEVO, a woman from Nis said: „While this was going on, my concern was how my family was going to survive in those difficult times and I was not aware of other people’s suffering. Seeing that now, I feel very sorry… „ She sat and began to cry.

There were similar reactions in other towns. In Bijeljina, for instance, where there were lots of people present, one middle-aged man stood up and said: ’I came to this presentation by accident. Someone I know asked me to come with him. During those times, I was recruited to the Army of the Republic of Srpska. All that was said here was true and you should keep that in mind, young people, so that something like that can never happen again in your generation.“

All three presentations proved that THEY SPOKE DIFFERENTLY is an important material that  Igman Initiative has at disposal. It should be shown in other towns to the audiences of as many as possible young people who are still unaware of that which happened in the last decade.