The Most European Award

Igman Initiative – “most European” and most successful project in 2007

Belgrade, 14th February

THE MOST EUROPEAN AwardOn the occasion of “European evening in Belgrade”, the First European House Cukarica organized the award-giving ceremony on February 14th 2008 for “Najevropljanin 2007” (Most European in 2007) award, which took place in the grand hall of the Assembly of Belgrade. Upon the proposition given by the European Movement in Serbia, the award for the most European and most successful project in 2007 was given to the “Igman Initiative”.

On behalf of Igman Initiative, copresidents Aleksandar Popov, Vehid Sehic i Zoran Pusic have received this award and expressed their thanks to all guests present at this ceremony.

Winners of the “Najevropljanin 2007” award are: Mr. Vojin Dimitrijevic for politics, OSCE ambassador in Serbia Mr. Hans Ola Urstad for greatest contributions in making connections between Serbia and Europe, Mr. Nenad Popovic for economy, Mr. Mica Jovanovic for culture and education and Mr. Dusan Antonic for industry.